Spiritually Guided
Spiritually Guided is a podcast where we discuss all things spirituality, the human experience, intuition, psychic development, spirit guides, energy, and so much more. There is more than meets the eye and we’re here to re-connect to the truth of it all. Hosted by Karla Myra, psychic and psychic development mentor.

Sunday Jun 26, 2022
Sunday Jun 26, 2022
In today’s episode, we have a chat with soul healing and recovery mentor, Bailey Couture. We dive into all things reiki, so if you’ve been curious, this episode is for you! Here’s what goes down:
What reiki is (00:11:20)
The benefits it offers (00:31:00)
What a reiki session can look like (00:35:00)
Debunking misconceptions (00:53:53)
About Bailey:
Bailey Couture is an intuitive soul healing and recovery mentor who uses reiki, mindfulness, and embodiment practices, as well as her own personal experiences, to nurture and support, and provide a safely grounded experience for her clients on their journey back home to themselves.
Bailey’s Website: https://wildandwellhealing.ca/
Instagram: @wildandwellhealing
Free Facebook Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/269148802084813/?ref=share
Ready to connect with your Spirit Guides?
CLICK HERE to access the pre-recorded training that will help you connect to your spirit guides.
Book a psychic reading with me!
CLICK HERE to book a past life reading, spirit guide reading, or general psychic reading.
Spiritually Guided is a podcast where we discuss all things spirituality, the human experience, intuition, psychic development, spirit guides, energy, and so much more. There is more than meets the eye and we're here to re-connect to the truth of it all.
Hosted by moi, Karla Myra, psychic and psychic development mentor.
#intuition #spirituality #reiki #holyfire #chakras #spiritguides #psychicdevelopment

Sunday Jun 12, 2022
Sunday Jun 12, 2022
In today’s episode we discuss three reasons you may not feel connected to your Spirit Guides and how you can fix this.
This is perfect for you if you:
Have been trying to connect with them, but can’t hear or feel them
Have connected in the past, but now feel like you’re not longer connected
Want to learn different ways your Spirit Guides can communicate with you
Let’s dive in and get you connected!
**Links mentioned during the episode**
Episode #05: How to Connect to your Spirit Guides
Grab the “How to Connect with your Spirit Guides Beyond Just Meditating” training here: https://www.subscribepage.com/spiritguideconnectionbeyondmeditation
Book a psychic reading with me!
CLICK HERE to book a past life reading, spirit guide reading, or general psychic reading.
Spiritually Guided is a podcast where we discuss all things spirituality, the human experience, intuition, psychic development, spirit guides, energy, and so much more. There is more than meets the eye and we're here to re-connect to the truth of it all.
Hosted by moi, Karla Myra, psychic and psychic development mentor.
#spiritguides #spiritguidereadings #psychicdevelopment #intuition #spirituality

Sunday May 15, 2022
07: The Psychic Clair Abilities
Sunday May 15, 2022
Sunday May 15, 2022
In today’s episode we’re going to go over the 7 psychic clair abilities.
This is perfect for you if you’re learning to differentiate between the Clairs. I’m also going to share real-life examples to give you an idea of some of the ways they can show up.
In this episode, we cover:
What the psychic clair abilities are
Interested in psychic development mentorship? Send me a DM on IG (@karla.myra)
Which is your strongest Clair? Do you have two that work really well together? Tag me on IG and let me know! https://www.instagram.com/karla.myra/
Book a psychic reading with me!
CLICK HERE to book a past life reading, spirit guide reading, or general psychic reading.----
P.S. Did you LOVE this episode? I hope so! If you did, I’d appreciate it if you left me a review :)
P.P.S Please share this episode with those you know could benefit from what was shared.
Spiritually Guided is a podcast where we discuss all things spirituality, the human experience, intuition, psychic development, spirit guides, energy, and so much more. There is more than meets the eye and we're here to re-connect to the truth of it all.
Hosted by moi, Karla Myra, psychic and psychic development mentor.
#psychicabilities #psychicpowers #clairvoyance #claircognizance #clairabilities #intuitivegifts #psychicdevelopment #psychicmentorship

Sunday May 15, 2022
06: The Spiritual Ego - What it is, Why it Shows Up, and What to do About it
Sunday May 15, 2022
Sunday May 15, 2022
Today we discuss a super important topic: the Spiritual Ego.
Yep, it’s a real thing and something that’s probably going to become more common in the coming years as Spirituality continues to grow in popularity. Hang on tight and let’s dive in.
In this episode, we cover:
What the Spiritual Ego is
Reasons people may experience Spiritual Egotism
Things to watch out for
My own experience with Spiritual Ego
How to easily move beyond the Spiritual Ego
Episode “Calling all Spiritual Workers” which was referenced here is podcast episode 03.
I’d love to hear your thoughts on this subject, so make sure we’re connected!
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/karla.myra/
Facebook community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/karlamyra
Book a psychic reading with me!
CLICK HERE to book a past life reading, spirit guide reading, or general psychic reading.
P.S. Did you LOVE this episode? I hope so! If you did, I’d appreciate it if you left me a review :)
P.P.S Please share this episode with those you know could benefit from what was shared.
Spiritually Guided is a podcast where we discuss all things spirituality, the human experience, intuition, psychic development, spirit guides, energy, and so much more. There is more than meets the eye and we're here to re-connect to the truth of it all.
Hosted by moi, Karla Myra, psychic and psychic development mentor.
#spirituality #spiritualjourney #spiritualawakening #spiritual #intuition #intuitive #higherself #highestself

Sunday May 15, 2022
05: How to Connect to Your Spirit Guides
Sunday May 15, 2022
Sunday May 15, 2022
Today we cover one of the most popular topics in the Spiritual community: Spirit Guides and how to connect with them!
In this episode, we cover:
Different ways you can build a foundation for your spirit guide connection
How listening to your body can help
One of the most common “misconceptions”
Why only doing guided meditations isn’t ideal for building a truly lasting connection
Grab the “How to Connect with your Spirit Guides Beyond Just Meditating” training here: https://www.subscribepage.com/spiritguideconnectionbeyondmeditation
Book a Deluxe Spirit Guide reading with me: https://calendly.com/karlamyra/deluxe-spirit-guide-reading
More ways to connect!
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/karla.myra/
P.S. Did you LOVE this episode? I hope so! If you did, I’d appreciate it if you left me a review :)
P.P.S Please share this episode with those you know could benefit from what was shared.
Spiritually Guided is a podcast where we discuss all things spirituality, the human experience, intuition, psychic development, spirit guides, energy, and so much more. There is more than meets the eye and we're here to re-connect to the truth of it all.
Hosted by moi, Karla Myra, psychic and psychic development mentor.
#spirituality #spiritguides #spiritguide #angels #ancestors #meditation #intuition

Sunday May 15, 2022
04: Is it your Intuition or Ego? How to tell the Difference
Sunday May 15, 2022
Sunday May 15, 2022
Have you struggled to differentiate between your Intuition and Ego? You’re not alone. It’s one of the most common questions people ask when starting their spiritual journey and want to work on trusting their intuition more.
I’m here to help :)
In this episode, we cover:
How to decipher between your Intuition and Ego
My #1 super fast tip to identifying when it’s your Ego speaking
What your Intuition actually sounds and feels like
Tag me on IG and let me know if you found this helpful!
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/karla.myra/
Book a psychic reading with me!
CLICK HERE to book a past life reading, spirit guide reading, or general psychic reading.
P.S. Did you LOVE this episode? I hope so! If you did, I’d appreciate it if you left me a review :)
P.P.S Please share this episode with those you know could benefit from what was shared.
Spiritually Guided is a podcast where we discuss all things spirituality, the human experience, intuition, psychic development, spirit guides, energy, and so much more. There is more than meets the eye and we're here to re-connect to the truth of it all.
Hosted by moi, Karla Myra, psychic and psychic development mentor.
#intuition #intuitive #intuitiveguidance #spiritual #spirituality #spiritualawakening #spiritualjourney #higherself

Sunday May 15, 2022
03: Calling all Spiritual Workers, Healers, and Entrepreneurs
Sunday May 15, 2022
Sunday May 15, 2022
**Calling all Spiritual Workers, Healers, and Entrepreneurs**
The truth? The world–nay, the universe–needs you. And we’re diving deep as to why. This is something many people don’t talk about, but it’s about time we had this talk.
In this episode, we cover:
The deeper reason why this world needs you (beyond just your unique gifts)
Why you may be taking yourself for granted
Reasons I was hesitant to start a podcast (do you relate to any?)
Heart messages > perfection
Let’s connect on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/karla.myra/
Book a psychic reading with me!
CLICK HERE to book a past life reading, spirit guide reading, or general psychic reading.
P.S. Did you LOVE this episode? I hope so! If you did, I’d appreciate it if you left me a review :)
P.P.S. And remember to share it with the people that you know really need to hear this message.
Spiritually Guided is a podcast where we discuss all things spirituality, the human experience, intuition, psychic development, spirit guides, energy, and so much more. There is more than meets the eye and we're here to re-connect to the truth of it all.
Hosted by moi, Karla Myra, psychic and psychic development mentor.
#spiritualworker #spiritualhealer #spiritualentrepreneur #psychic #psychicdevelopment #psychicreader #tarot #tarotcards #oraclecards #divination #energy #spirituality

Sunday May 15, 2022
02: What is Spirituality and What Does it Mean?
Sunday May 15, 2022
Sunday May 15, 2022
Hello beautiful souls! Today we discuss the big topic of Spirituality. This is perfect for those of you just starting your journey or if you’ve been on your journey and curious to hear how others define Spirituality.
In this episode, we cover:
What my definition of Spirituality is
How others define Spirituality
What a Spiritual Awakening is and what can kickstart it
What a Spiritual Journey can look like
Connect with me and let me know how you define Spirituality. Would love to hear!
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/karla.myra/
Facebook Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/karlamyra
Book a psychic reading with me!
CLICK HERE to book a past life reading, spirit guide reading, or general psychic reading.
Spiritually Guided is a podcast where we discuss all things spirituality, the human experience, intuition, psychic development, spirit guides, energy, and so much more. There is more than meets the eye and we're here to re-connect to the truth of it all.
Hosted by moi, Karla Myra, psychic and psychic development mentor.
#spirituality #spiritualjourney #spiritualawakening #higherself #highestself #innerguidance #intuition #intuitive

Sunday May 15, 2022
01: Welcome to the Spiritually Guided Podcast!
Sunday May 15, 2022
Sunday May 15, 2022
Welcome to the Spiritually Guided podcast!
Spiritually Guided is a podcast where we discuss all things spirituality, the human experience, intuition, psychic development, spirit guides, energy, and so much more. There is more than meets the eye and we're here to re-connect to the truth of it all.
Hosted by moi, Karla Myra, psychic and psychic development mentor.
In this episode:
What this podcast show is all about
What you can expect in future episodes
Who I am and what started my spiritual journey
Let’s connect:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/karla.myra/
Book a psychic reading with me!
CLICK HERE to book a past life reading, spirit guide reading, or general psychic reading.
#spiritual #spirituality #spiritualjourney #higherconsciousness #higherself #energywork #psychic #healer #divination #witch #babywitch

about me
I am a psychic reader and have done hundreds of readings for clients with powerful results and accuracy. I love being able to provide the insight and clarity that my clients need.
I'm also a psychic development mentor and help women tune in to their own gifts and magic.
Having been on my own spiritual journey for 10+ years, I can say that it's been incredibly life-changing and I'm here to support other women as they explore their unique Spiritual and intuitive/psychic paths.